
Type of pesticideSystemic Fungicide
AI(Active Ingredient)Azoxystrobin20%+Difenoconazole 12.5% SC
Registration No.P2024-6344
CropsPaddy, Pepper, Mung bean, Green gram, Onions, Tomato, Potato, Watermelon, Cucumber  
Diseases to protectBlast, Sheath Blight, Anthracnose, Rust, Powder mildew, Downy mildew, Purple blotch, Late blight
Advantage and BenefitIt has the capability to protect and cure and can proliferate from the plant’s roots as well as leaves.
PHI (Pre Harvest Interval)Paddy, Bean -14 days, Horticultural crops -21 days
Application Ratemix and spray (20-40) cc or (2-4 tablespoons) per containing 4 gallons of water.  
GHS for Pesticide Category 5